
What is the Fastest Growing Supplement Category?

The use of supplements has become increasingly common over the years among the general population. This has resulted in significant growth in the supplement industry. But of all the many different types of supplements, which category is growing the fastest? The fastest-growing supplement category is weight loss supplements. This market segment is projected to grow… Continue reading What is the Fastest Growing Supplement Category?

The Hydration Supplement Trend and Opportunity For Your Heath Brand

The demand for dietary supplement is increasing. With the onset of the pandemic, people are now more interested in taking a proactive approach to their health and are looking for ways to support their health. Health and wellness is one of those areas that will always have a market.  And as preventative health becomes more… Continue reading The Hydration Supplement Trend and Opportunity For Your Heath Brand

The Future of the Biohacking Market: Trends and Changes

Biohacking aims to optimize health and performance through everything from technology like wearable biofeedback devices, DNA testing, to supplements like nootropics.  A large component involves tracking one’s own health data and experimenting to optimize yourself. This group people are typically tech savvy in addition to being health nuts. It’s an industry that is growing at a… Continue reading The Future of the Biohacking Market: Trends and Changes

Traffic Trends for Heath Supplement Brands in 2023 and Beyond

Where are the top health supplement marketers getting their traffic in 2022? And where will they shift traffic to in the next 2 – 3 years? To answer that we first need to look at what’s changed in e-commerce because of the pandemic. The biggest change was more volume. Volume in both buyers and sellers.… Continue reading Traffic Trends for Heath Supplement Brands in 2023 and Beyond

Vitamin and Supplement Trends: Veganification

What vitamin and supplement tend has peeked our curiosity lately? While the COVID-19 pandemic has shifted the supplement industry dramatically shifting consumers vitamin consumption. A lot of the shift has been towards supplements that support immunity and stress. The immunity and vitamin D ship in my opinion has already sailed. But there are other trends… Continue reading Vitamin and Supplement Trends: Veganification

Health Supplement Business Mastery Podcast Episode 3 – Dietary Supplement Trends for 2020

In episode 3 of the Health Supplement Business Mastery podcast we’ll be looking at the latest direct response marketing trends in the dietary supplement industry in 2020. Click the play button to listen to a full episode below. Or subscribe on iTunes. Dietary Supplement Trends for 2020 – Show #3 Subscribe on iTunes so you… Continue reading Health Supplement Business Mastery Podcast Episode 3 – Dietary Supplement Trends for 2020