
Marketing Upsell Funnel Strategy For Dietary Supplements

There is no one Upsell Funnel Strategy that always works, but there are basic principals to utilize. When it comes to selling online, upsells are a very different beast from your front end product. If you treat them the same way, your sales and revenue per visitor will suffer.

First off, the trust and belief level of the buyer is different in the upsell funnel path than it was on the front end. The heavy lifting of belief and trust you led the visitor through on the front end, that involved a lot of decision making and the friction of sale, is over. The type of trust needed for them to buy at the upsell stage is completely different.

The buyer is already sold on the primary solution. That’s why they just bought your front end offer. So there is already a level of trust that they just extended.

The Pattern Interupt

However, right before your new buyer gets to your first one-time-offer-upsell their expectations are that they have completed their purchase and they expect to see a thank you page.

The moment they see anything else, like your upsell, it sets an alarm off in their head and their guard goes back up because it’s not what they expected.

You’ll often see a pattern interrupt message at the very top of upsell pages that says something like: WAIT! Your Order Is Not Complete.

This is a pattern interrupt. It  is a way to change a person’s psychological state. We all have behavior patterns and when they are interrupted we become more agreeable to a change.

This is on purpose. It automatically raises the alarm in their head a little bit. As a result, it interrupts the expected pattern of a thank you page and completed order. This causes the visitor to stay on the page and remain at high alert and attention, so that you can pitch your upsell offer.

A Different Selling Tactic

Second, from a selling perspective, upsells are nothing like your front end offer. Your upsell funnel strategy should always enhance the initial purchase in someway and be congruent with the previous buying decision.

You need to steer away from creating a reaction of… “wait I thought the first thing I just bought was supposed to solve my problem, why are they trying to sell me this now?”

Psychological Speed Is Key To a Winning Upsell Funnel Strategy

Upsells should be fast decisions as compared to the front end sale. Think of them as simple add-ons to an already processed purchase.

An irresistible attraction to each step of your sales funnel keeps momentum moving forward. Visitors must believe that every step, however small, will make their lives better. Think of each  as an expansion on the overall problem your buyer has. What will they need on their journey towards the solution?

And if your first upsell is continuing down the journey towards the same solution you don’t need to continue with more education based selling unless you’re switching solutions of switching products in your funnel.

But, people are naturally resistant to upsells….so before that defense mechanism kicks in you have to calm them down and then channel their buying mindset.

Reassurance Comes First

First reassure them of their previous step. Here’s an example format to use In your first upsell:

Your order for XZY product has been sent to our shipping center.

Then go immediately into a transition to the upsell continuing down that reassurance road like this:

The thing that is part of the the XYZ product will help you get this benefit but what if there was a way to get (new or same benefit) much faster?

In other subsequent upsells, upsell #2, 3, etc.,  you can get right to the hook much faster, because they had just seen an upsell and are a bit more familiar with it.  

Channel The Buying Mindset

Now that they have been reassured.  Your next step is to channel their buying mindset quickly  by presenting the hook as quickly as possible. You don’t have time, in an upsell to do a bunch of “set up” that you need for the front end sale, before you hook them.

One way to do that is to immediately ask a compelling question, statement, or present a pattern interrupt that cuts off their natural defense mechanism and engages their curiosity.

This works best with a question that is unanswerable. For example: Could you really eliminate your joint pain with raisins soaked in gin?

The answer you’re going for is: “I don’t know. Can you?” It’s a bit of curiosity mixed with wonder if it is really possible.  These types of hooks pull visitors into the copy to sell them on the upsell.

A Final Word On Upsell Funnel Strategy

Getting the upsell funnel strategy right is the insider secret no one tells you. Anyone can put together a funnel. Some people think that’s all there is to funnel building. But that’s just the functional part. If the underlying strategy is weak, the entire funnel will collapse in on itself.

Discover the 3 funnels that can help your health supplement business succeed.

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By Bobby Hewitt

Bobby Hewitt is the founder of Creative Thirst. A conversion rate optimization agency for health and wellness companies with a specialized focus in dietary supplements. We’ve helped health clients profitably scale using our four framework growth model validated through A/B testing. Bobby has over 17 years of experience in web design and Internet marketing and holds a bachelors degree in Marketing from Rutgers University. He is also certified in Online Testing and Landing Page Optimization and won the Jim Novo Award of Academic Excellence for Web Analytics. As well as a public speaker and contributing author to “Google Analytics Breakthrough: From Zero to Business Impact, published by Wiley.