When people think of belief one usually thinks of their own religious belief or personal beliefs.
Rarely does anyone think of belief in terms of buying. And here’s why you should…
Your personal beliefs define the decisions you make and shape your life.
Beliefs determine how you feel, what you think and the goals you pursue and even how you buy.
But belief in particular, presents a unique kind of problem, if you’re selling health products.
The Importance Of Belief For Selling Health Products
Any non-health kind of sale is pretty simple, but the selling required for a health supplement or a health information product requires tapping into the critical three pillars of belief.
The reason for this is because people don’t buy health products the same way they buy other products, and therefore the way health is sold also needs to be different. This is a key distinctive component of selling a health product.
Any health product, including a vitamin supplements, is not only selling a solution as much as it is reassuring the prospects beliefs.
The belief required for selling health products and supplements includes:
- Belief in your product
- Belief in your mission
- Belief in themselves
If any one of these three pillars of belief is weak the system as a whole is in jeopardy. When that happens, a MAYBE quickly turns into a firm NO THANK YOU and a sale is lost.
Let’s examine each belief pillar one by one.
Belief In Your Product
Belief in the product for the health market is akin to a level of faith. The prospect has to believe that the product will do what it claims to do in order to buy.
For a health supplement, belief extends to faith in the ingredients, where they were supplied from and how they are manufactured. After all health supplements are being ingested, unlike other products like shoes.
If a prospect does not believe in your product they can’t continue to the next required belief in order to buy, and that is…
Belief In Your Mission
In the book Start With Why, Simon Sinek’s research leads to the conclusion that people follow leaders and buy products based on WHY a company does what they do as opposed to WHAT they do or produce.
One great example he uses in the book is for buying computers.
The majority of computer companies marketing message sounds something like this…
We make great computers.
They are beautifully designed simple to use and user-friendly.
Want to buy one?
Apple on the other hand frames their marketing message like this…
With everything we do, we believe in challenging the Status quo. We believe in thinking differently.
The way we challenge the status quo is by making our products beautifully designed, simple to use and user-friendly.
And we happen to make great computers.
Want to buy one?
See the difference?
The mission of Apple comes through clear and strong. People follow leaders and brands that start with WHY as opposed to WHAT.
As Simon Sinek says, people don’t buy WHAT you do they buy WHY you do it.
All health companies have a mission, the problem is very few of them can clearly articulate their WHY.
Belief In Themselves
Belief in one-self is perhaps the most tricky part to uncover and tap into.
We all have a certain pre conceived notion of ourselves that has developed over time. This is the story we tell ourselves when we’re alone. It sounds something like this…
I can’t do that because…
If only I could…
Sure, if I had (blank) then I could…
I’ll do that when…
These are all aspects of a limiting belief, which constrain us in some way. Just by simply believing them, we do not think, do or say the things that they inhibit. And in doing so, we bankrupt our lives and do not take action.
Selling health products requires the prospect to believe in themselves as much as the product and the mission. Over coming those limiting beliefs and tapping into the desires and emotions that underly the core beliefs necessary to not only buy a health product but to continue to take and or use it/ do the work, in order to get the benefits, is all part of the self-story that allows us to buy in the first place.
Belief Is Vital To Growing A Health Business
If your prospects can’t overcome their own limiting self-beliefs then they won’t ever move to action and buy.
If your prospects don’t believe in your mission they won’t have enough trust to move toward a relationship with you or feel good about being part of something bigger than themselves.
If your customers don’t have a core belief in the product, they won’t stay compliant to continue taking your supplement or do your exercise routines enough times to see the benefit.
Growing a health product or supplement business needs all three pillars of belief to stand.
The key is to start with researching the markets core beliefs and fully understanding them before any optimization can begin.
Which is why we take a month diving into the softer side of the data before even prescribing a solution to growing your health business. All the deep dive data analysis is so we can accurately define the situation and diagnose the problems to attack through rigorous A/B split testing around belief and trust.
But split testing is just how we do what we do, but the reason why we do what we do is because we have to attack these fundamental issues that are underlying.
Without addressing the issues of belief, you’re only going to get a minimum of traction.
Discover the 3 funnels that can help your health supplement business succeed.

Listen to the Health Supplement Business Mastery Podcast for for dietary supplement entrepreneurs and marketers.