Biohacking aims to optimize health and performance through everything from technology like wearable biofeedback devices, DNA testing, to supplements like nootropics.
A large component involves tracking one’s own health data and experimenting to optimize yourself. This group people are typically tech savvy in addition to being health nuts. It’s an industry that is growing at a little more than 19%.
With a $15,42 billion dollar valuation in 2020 it’s anticipated to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 19.4%
Here’s what you need to know about the biohacking market and the changes that the industry is undergoing.
The Biohacking Buyer is Different
Not all supplement buyers are the same. And Biohackers are a unique subset of the market with different needs, and desires. What drives a biohacker to buy a supplement is very different from what drives the average 45+ woman.
The typical biohacker is a more tech savvy buyer than the average supplement customer. Their level of marketplace sophistication is higher and they are more apt to try different things and experiment with their health than the average supplement customer.
As a result biohackers are more affluent and willing to spend more on supplements. One biohacking brand NeuroHacker sells their premium nootropic supplement for $119 on a monthly subscription. So in general the average order value of a biohacker is higher. The downside is that premium supplements for this discerning market may be more expensive to produce.
But as the market matures there will be different aspects of biohacking. Not everyone is willing to implant a chip inside them for the betterment of a more optimized you.
So right now the market is weighted heavily into those that are pure enthusiasts of science, health and data. But as the market grows the audience will splinter into less Type-A competitive people who are interested in the philosophy but prefer biohacking light.
Hacking Your Nutrition is Part of the Game
A drop of food tells so many stories about your health and well-being. People are already hacking their nutrition with apps that let them count their calories, track their macronutrients and micronutrients, and develop recipes that help them load up on every component they need.
With wearables, artificial intelligence (AI), and other types of technology, Biohackers can optimize their nutrition to get the results that will help them accomplish all their goals. Biohackers will age better, have less pain, sleep better, and get as healthy and fit as possible.
BioHackers Love Data
Biohacking and data go hand in hand. Weather it’s a test to find DNA snips or ketosis levels, it’s all about measurement and improvement.
There are many different ways to track health data that can help with things like:
- Tracking calories, hydration, ovulation, sleep, and other biological processes
- Assisting with skin health
- Checking your pH and glucose levels
- Implantable hearing aid devices
- And more
These devices are easily tracked and calibrated and come with several software updates that help you best use your data.
Hacking Learning
You only have so much time in your day. If you can speed up your learning, it’s always a better use of your time.
Biohackers are embracing learning hacks that let them speed up the time it takes. One of the main ways people do this is through nootropics supplements that make focus, learning and retaining information easier.
There are plenty of nootropic supplement stacks that people experiment with to get optimal brain performance. Nootropics are substances that help your brain function and give you more alertness, focus, and sharper memory.
Anything that fights stress is also an excellent way to biohack your learning. People build up cortisol, the “stress hormone,” in their central nervous system to the point that it is difficult to focus and concentrate on anything. Meditation is a widespread biohack practice that has existed for millennia to reduce stress.
You can also hack your biology by keeping up with your heart rate and learning to relax and slow it down whenever it begins to speed up. This allows you to bypass your fight or flight response so that you can remain in the present moment and learn and adapt to your situation. People use things like sensory deprivation chambers and heart rate monitors to accomplish this.
Supplements Are Becoming More Advanced
Today’s supplements are far more advanced and formulated to your exact needs. Some companies can help you find the best supplement for your health and well-being and even create a health supplement blend for you from scratch.
Companies are starting to build successful marketing funnels around supplements that can accomplish many different health benefits.
Gut health may be the next wave for biohackers and beyond, since we now understand the importance of the gut microbiome and the connection between gut bacteria and brain performance.
Cryotherapy Is a Growing BioHack
The sooner you heal your body, the less likely you are to endure pain and long-term injuries. Cryotherapy is a way that a lot of biohackers do this. It’s a form of physical therapy like icing your injuries down but on steroids.
With cryotherapy, you expose yourself to temperatures as cold as -200 degrees Fahrenheit to increase blood flow to different areas of your body quickly.
After spending just a few minutes in a cryotherapy chamber, you will decrease swelling, feed more nutrients to your organs and tissues, and provide your body with the overall healing needed to thrive.
There are lots of cryotherapy benefits that you can get to know, such as:
- Treatments for migraines and chronic headaches
- Assists with issues like arthritis and other forms of chronic pain
- Decreasing depression and mood disorders
- Heals damaged nerves
- Potentially helping with cognitive disorders like Alzheimer’s and dementia
People who live healthy and active lives are taking the time to visit the cryotherapy clinic a couple of times per month and enjoy the results they achieve.
Expanding Areas of BioHacking
Biohackers today are beginning to recognize the importance of blood flow to the lower extremities. We’re a sedentary society, and people are prone to sit at an office desk for hours without standing up and moving around.
Failing to get blood flow to your legs robs your organs of vital nutrients and can lead to long-term health issues. In fact, sitting for long periods makes people 90% more likely to die from a heart-related event, 147% more likely to experience a stroke or heart attack, and more likely to deal with depression, stress, and overall malaise.
People that increase blood flow to their legs conversely retain long-term health, strength, and durability. They also improve the spread of oxygen throughout their bloodstream.
You can increase blood flow to your legs by investing in a suit that stimulates blood flow so that your veins are healthy and your legs and lower extremities get full circulation.
You Can Also Boost Your Vision With Biohacking
Your vision is one of your most important senses and probably the one you would miss the most if you ever lost it. It’s also one that people struggle with the most, as many people today wear glasses and contacts or are nearsighted or farsighted. Plenty of people also have astigmatism or other ocular issues.
Expect these issues to increase as people spend far more time staring at screens, beginning at lower ages. This is why people are biohacking their vision and improving it in new and intriguing ways.
One way that people are biohacking vision is through nutrition. People are getting some genetic research done and are choosing foods ideal for their blood type and other genetic profile to improve their vision. People are also taking vitamins and supplements that will enhance vision and prevent macular degeneration.
Optimizing Exercise is a Big BioHacking Movement
Biohakers are competitive people, always looking to get an edge on their health and fitness. If you can get a more accurate biological profile you can use it to optimize your nutrition, get better gains in your strength training, study your heart rate, gamify your journey, and make sure you are squeezing every bit of potential from your workout and recovery.
This helps whether you are a gym rat, runner, swimmer, or yoga practitioner. The more you biohack your health and fitness, the more you will realize that a lot of it is a sheer numbers game.
Having the correct data improves your ability to become the best version of yourself while taking great care of your health and well-being.
To Sum Up The Biohacking Market
The biohacking market is a growing industry that is projected to continue to rise in the coming years.
As this market grows, the audience will diversify into less Type-A competitive people who prefer biohacking light, which will be a new sub-set of this market and broaden the overall marketplace.
The market for supplements, nutrition, data tracking, and cryotherapy will continue to grow and evolve, offering new and advanced ways to achieve optimal health and performance.
As the biohacking industry continues to expand and innovate, it will be exciting to see what new advancements and technologies will emerge to help individuals take control of their health and achieve their goals.
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