
Compliant Cold Traffic Funnel Strategies For Natural Health Supplements

Compliant cold traffic funnels are where the money is in 2020.

To get any real volume of traffic out there to really scale big these days you’re very limited. And that limitation means you’re forced to play by their rules for good or bad.

And that means compliant copy that’s not hard hitting. This watered down direct response is the new norm for dietary health supplement complaint funnels.

The problem is sales conversion rate suffers big time once you take all of the pain and emotion out of sales copy.

So the direct response marketing world is in a bit of a pickle for the foreseeable future. 

To get high volumes of traffic you need to accept a much lower conversion rate. Or rather should I say be able to afford to continue to run your supplement business with higher cost per acquisitions and lower sales.

As a consequence, the smaller supplement companies get squeezed out. The bigger ones could survive if they can afford to take a revenue hit.

What’s the answer?

Well for now anyway, the strategies below get around the watered down direct response problem. 

They will allow you to both play by the rules of complaint cold traffic and also push the emotional hot buttons that direct response marketing has proven works so well.  

Let’s take a look at each one…

Strategy 1: Presell page to sales page

The first strategy sends traffic to a presell page. Also known as an advertorial page. 

The content on the presell page does have to be complaint. No outrageous claims, etc. This strategy warms up the prospect and is a pretty safe bet for a complaint front-end funnel.

The compliance reviewer focuses on the presell page since that’s where the click goes after the ad and less focus on the next page. 

Which is your sales page. 

Strategy 2: Quiz to sales page

Quiz funnels are great for compliant cold traffic funnels.

I’ve written about them before so I’ll quickly recap the important points here.

The number of questions presents several layers or pages before getting to the sales page.

This is the primary reason why they work so well for compliance. 

I’ve seen and tested non complaint sales copy that never would have gotten past the compliance police other wise. 

Strategy 3: Lead capture to sale

This strategy solves the compliance problem by not only watering down the sales copy but also removing the supplement as the solution all together.

Here, you’re offering a free lead magnet in exchange for an email lead.

As long as your lead magnet sales copy is complaint, it’s pretty safe to implement this compliant strategy.

One reason is that it’s easier to NOT get carried away with claims for a book, compared to a dietary supplement.

The down side is that you have to delay the sale of your supplement.

Typically this is done via the email follow up sequence, but there’s no reason why you can’t sell your supplement on the first up-sell page.

That is as long as it ties into the lead magnet offer see, the next strategy below for more on this.

Strategy 4: Information product front-end sale

An information product like a book, a guide or even a course has a little less edge than a bottle of supplements. 

As far as compliance and claims go, you can get away with a little more because books are not under as much scrutiny as a supplement, at least right now in the current state of marketing.

The key to using this strategy is to sell your health supplement after the sales page, further in the funnel.

I recommend both, if you can, selling on the order page as a simple add on product and on the first up-sell. 

The trick is to tie the supplement to the problem the prospect came to the information product for. Then, the transition from book to supplement is an easy sale.

The logic in the mind of the buyer and you as the seller, goes like this…

A book can only solve so much… Here’s a bottle of pills to get you the solution faster.

Strategy 5: Compliant copy sales page

The last strategy goes right for the complaint copy right out of the gate. 

This is your tame compliant copy version of your sales letter.

And sells your supplements directly on the complaint sales page.

True it may not sell as well but it will allow you to send tier one traffic to it. Which typically converts better than a lower rung traffic source. 

Learn more about how to write copy that’s compliant for health supplement products, see the article: Facebook Compliant Landing Pages For Dietary Supplements.

Why Do These Strategies Work?

Remember any of these strategies does not make your page or funnel compliant.

The reason these strategies work for compliant cold traffic funnels is because they each, with the exception of the last strategy, put a layer in-between the ad click and the more hard hitting sales page. 

That extra layer is where you want to focus most of your complaint copy. 

This is what the big traffic sources review for compliance. 

That and the ad creative obviously. 

My recommendation is to choose one cold traffic strategy from above to focus on. 

Iterate and test different variations on that one strategy until you get some traction. 

Then scale. 

Discover the 3 funnels that can help your health supplement business succeed.

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By Bobby Hewitt

Bobby Hewitt is the founder of Creative Thirst. A conversion rate optimization agency for health and wellness companies with a specialized focus in dietary supplements. We’ve helped health clients profitably scale using our four framework growth model validated through A/B testing. Bobby has over 17 years of experience in web design and Internet marketing and holds a bachelors degree in Marketing from Rutgers University. He is also certified in Online Testing and Landing Page Optimization and won the Jim Novo Award of Academic Excellence for Web Analytics. As well as a public speaker and contributing author to “Google Analytics Breakthrough: From Zero to Business Impact, published by Wiley.