
Does The Product Matter For a D2C Supplement Funnel?

How important is the product to the success of a cold traffic funnel for dietary supplements?

That’s a question that very often gets overlooked.

In fact, many direct response marketers rarely consider the product as part of their strategy. Instead they rush straight to the funnel, the hook or the traffic. All of those things are important but if you’re not also thinking about the product you may not get to that breakthrough funnel you’re going after.

The product is vital to the success of a supplement funnel in many different ways.

The first of which is the speed of effect.

How Fast Can You Feel It?

How quickly do you feel results after taking your supplement? How long do you need to consistently take your supplement before feeling any benefit?

No where is this factor more important than in a free plus shipping continuity offer. That type of buyer is way more fickle than a one-time buyer. At first anyway, they are a lower value buyer because they just paid shipping.

Your product is under tremendous scrutiny in the first 20-30 days because they are evaluating if they should cancel before they get their first continuity bottle.

Your supplement can greatly turn the tides and effect the first month’s cancellation rate if they can feel the effects relatively quickly with their first bottle.

The Value of Congruence

The next way your supplement product is vital to the success of your funnel is in the congruence of value across the purchase lifecycle, up-sells and ascension.

Winning the direct response funnel game not only comes down to front-end conversion but also average order value (AOV) and customer lifetime value (LTV).

If you’re not thinking through the AOV and LTV potential when building your cold traffic supplement funnel then you’re doing a grave disservice to your business.

Any successful funnel has a continuity thread that runs through the front-end product, and through all the up-sells in the funnel. Each step building in customer value and also complementary offerings, in order to…

Bolster the customer LTV and ascend them up the value chain of your brand. Over time you’re nurturing them with the right messaging, the right offers and building brand advocates. All because of the right front-end product that got them introduced to your brand in the first place.

Strategic Thinking 

Lastly, the choice of your front-end supplement product success comes down to how unique it is.

A generic product is harder to sell than a more unique one. There is simply too much noise in the health supplement marketplace. And because of that, there’s too much mistrust in the consumer.

If your product is generic, like a Probiotic or Vitamin D, then the best thing you can do is focus on the unique mechanism to sell it, or focus on the way you sell it. That is the marketing hook you use to bring someone to your product.

A more unique product, hook, or unique mechanism is always a better bet than a strategy that is missing all three.

Just like any single ingredient in the formulation of your dietary supplement will effect how the overall formula impacts the effects on your body, so does the product you offer on your front end have an effect on the health of your sales funnel.

The success of your supplement funnel is directly tied to the product choice. When done right the product and the offer are linked. In addition to the strategy you use to sell it and the ascension in value across upsells in the customer purchase lifecycle.

The product needs just as much thought and attention as the funnel or the hook or anything else. Everything works together in a supplement sales funnel and no part should be over looked. 

Discover the 3 funnels that can help your health supplement business succeed.

Health Supplement Business Mastery Podcast

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By Bobby Hewitt

Bobby Hewitt is the founder of Creative Thirst. A conversion rate optimization agency for health and wellness companies with a specialized focus in dietary supplements. We’ve helped health clients profitably scale using our four framework growth model validated through A/B testing. Bobby has over 17 years of experience in web design and Internet marketing and holds a bachelors degree in Marketing from Rutgers University. He is also certified in Online Testing and Landing Page Optimization and won the Jim Novo Award of Academic Excellence for Web Analytics. As well as a public speaker and contributing author to “Google Analytics Breakthrough: From Zero to Business Impact, published by Wiley.