Marketing funnels are key to exponential growth when selling health products and natural health supplements direct to consumers online.
Most health marketers are using them to grow their business. But, they are only leveraging one funnel, not the magic three funnel combo needed for marketing rocket fuel.
And the general marketer, especially traditional E-commerce marketers, have no idea what a funnel is or how to truly leverage one to grow to a hundred-million dollar business.
The problem spans across a multitude of areas, the first being the definition of a funnel.
The traditional definition of a marketing funnel is this:
A funnel is a system that helps track the stages consumers travel through, to eventually make a buying decision.
According to the traditional marketing funnel definition, and the popularity of Google Analytics and a multitude of other funnel tracking software platforms that have exploded on the market, like ConversionFly, FunnelDash, you might think of a funnel like this, a series of sequential linear steps:
Viewing a funnel in this way is great for letting you see where your fall-off steps are. Which in turns, shows you where you need to help influence visitors to get to them to the next step.
Fundamentally, there’s nothing wrong with that. Knowing your numbers at each step of your funnel is critical to making any business work and scaling beyond the multi-million dollar level.
The problem is that most marketers only see funnels this way.
And it’s the wrong way to look at funnels.
It’s not really the fault of how you define a funnel or the way you visually display your funnel.
The problem lies in the fundamental funnel strategy.
The Rocket Fuel Funnel Strategy
Marketers who are leveraging the power of a funnel can be found in the Internet Marketing information product world, like Agora, and the true movers and shakers of the Online Health and Supplement companies, like BioTrust.
They are light years ahead of traditional E-commerce marketers largely due to how they think about funnel strategy and how they define a funnel.
Most marketers, even some of the smaller health supplement marketers don’t get this right and they struggle to grow beyond the 5 – 10 million dollar mark.
And for most marketers their funnel strategy limits their mindset to only one way of looking and defining a funnel.
Russell Brunson, co-founder of ClickFunnels, talks about the concept of funnel stacking, where you place several funnels inside of one funnel.
Think of it like a carousel, where you enter and go around to different steps before exiting.
Basically breaking up a process into a series of micro-commitments.
So imagine you’ve clicked a banner ad and landed on a sales page where step one only asks for name and shipping address. Then step two asks for your credit card information. Then before completing your purchase, there’s an up-sell offer, or a bump offer, that asks you to add an additional product to your current order. This is essentially the “do you want fries with that” step when you order at a fast food restaurant.
Each step is a little micro-commitment that combine to make the larger purchase funnel.
But this is still one single funnel. Breaking up the commitment into micro-steps may get you an increase in concession rate but it’s not going to single handily transform your business.
The way to build a multi-million dollar online supplement company, is to focus on three funnels at the same time.
The 3 Funnels A Health Supplement Business Needs To CRUSH IT
The one and only funnel most businesses focus on is the sales funnel…
They start and stop there.
You can’t really blame them. The sales funnel seems to have the most direct impact on revenue and it is certainly the “shinny object” of all three of the funnels you need for success.
But just focusing on your sales funnel alone is a trap filled with quicksand.
You’ll never get your offer to the “Holy Grail” level of self liquidation on day one with cold traffic if you just focus on the sales funnel alone.
You have to look at all three funnels in succession, where one funnel hands off the customer and prospect to the next funnel.
Multi-million dollar businesses like BioTrust, Marine Essentials, and others are built on the backs just 3 funnels.
And the three funnels are:
- The Content Funnel
- The Sales Funnel
- The Follow Up Funnel
How Should You Look At These Three Funnels?
There is a thread that runs through all three funnels, which when working together, crush it through a unifying synergistic strategy.
Each of these three funnels, the content funnel, sales funnel, and follow up funnel all support each other and are built on the principle that…
Prospects need different funnels at different stages of their buying and trust building journey with you.
But… It’s not just different types of content. The new trend in content marketing would have you believe it’s that simple. That all you need to attract prospects is simply content. Instead what you need is fully fleshed out funnels working in unison.
In part 2, we’ll take a look at each of these funnels and how they all fit together.
Discover the 3 funnels that can help your health supplement business succeed.

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