If you’re targeting your health and wellness traffic correctly, then your visitors motivation is fairly high when they enter your sales funnel.
The next step to a high converting profitable offer is to accelerate the visitors level of trust to help them buy.
In order to do that you first have to understand the accelerated trust framework.
But before we get ahead of ourselves let’s first unpack trust.
Trust has two levels.
Accelerated trust and gradual trust.
The formula looks like this:
Building Trust Online = Accelerated Trust + Gradual Trust
You can’t get to gradual trust without passing through accelerated trust.
What is accelerated trust?
Think of gradual trust as long-term and accelerated trust as short-term.
Accelerated trust is built quickly and is only just enough trust to move a visitor to the next step and ultimately towards purchase.
That next step is a micro commitment step.
It could be just getting the visitor to scroll or the willingness to continue reading the sales page.
Whatever your micro step is, accelerated trust is key to getting a health prospect to continue down your sales funnel.
Remember the example of Shara from the previous article.
Let’s recap briefly here.
Sarah’s husband has plantar fasciitis, a common causes of heel pain, that causes pain and inflammation of tissue, that runs across the bottom of your foot and connects your heel bone to your toes.
She’s researching the topic on Google and found the site HeelThatPain.com
There are some trustmarks in the top header of the site, that include endorsements from professional basketball athletes. Sarah doesn’t quite make the connection, since she sees plantar fasciitis as a sedentary condition since her husband is not a very active guy.
But then she notices the clinically proven results and the U.S. patent icon and is willing to continue to read and scroll further.
Trustmarks are one way to accelerate trust and move a prospect along the path to build enough accelerated trust in order to buy.
But in order to fully apply accelerated trust correctly to see more natural health products online, you need to understand…
The Accelerated Trust Framework
Let’s deconstructed it.
Accelerated trust = ((Logic + Believability) x Credibility) – The Other Party’s Self Interest
Let’s examine each element in the framework.
Logic – Any message or element has to first pass through our logic filter and is expedited by the next element, believability.
The athlete endorsements on HeelThatPain.com didn’t pass this logic filter for Shara because she did not know enough about the condition and thought of plantar fasciitis as just being a sedentary condition because her husband is not an active guy.
But the content on the site about what plantar fasciitis is and how it’s caused (particularly the Fascia-Bar Technology) supported her logic filter enough for her to take the next single step down the road of accelerated trust to ultimately purchase.
Believability – Is this something that is believable based on the individuals desire and self-story?
Credibility – How dependable or honest is the source? Credibility amplifies this first level of trust.
For Sarah, the clinically proven results and the U.S. patent icon trustmarks added that element of credibility, which multiplied the combination of logic and believability filters.
The Other Party’s Self Interest – How much interest does the party that is trying to influence you have in the marketing message? This is the only element that is negatively weighted. If the interest is too heavy handed in the sales pitch this could shift all of the elements on the left side of the equation down and trust can be easily lost.
Start Every Online Sale With Accelerated Trust
The fast twitch of accelerated trust gets the visitor to take that first step in the relationship of a sale, through buying. Without accelerated trust, a prospect will never buy and you won’t have a chance to continue earning their trust through the second part of the trust formula, the gradual trust framework.
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