
How To Get Your Nutritional Health and Supplement Visitors To Welcome Sales

welcome-matIn the first part of this series of articles, we outlined the five steps you need to fully maximize the value of each and every online vitamin supplement customer.

Previously we went deeper into step 1, your lead magnet, how to attract the right kind of customer like a magnet.

If you missed it you can go back and read it here.

Today we’ll be continuing with a deeper look into…

An In-depth Look At Your Welcome Mat

So at this point your first time visitor has opted-into your irresistible lead magnet offer in exchange for their email address.

Now, it’s time to lay down your welcome mat for them.

The welcome matt is a little know tactic that has enormous power to boost the effectiveness of your lead magnet and at the same time segment your most valuable leads, so you can treat them differently that the rest of your email list.

But first, let’s explain…

The Welcome Mat Principle: Once a visitor has taken out their wallet, they’re far more likely to leave it out and continue to spend money with you, then if they had not purchased in the first place. 

What makes the welcome mat effective is where it’s positioned in your marketing and sales funnel.

So what exactly is a Welcome Mat?

It’s a low dollar offer that gives a visitor an opportunity to buy.

It can be just about anything, a special report, a buyers guide, ebook, video course, stretching chart, etc.. Something that makes sense for your market and marketing funnel.

The key is that a monetary transaction must be processed… even if it’s just $1.

The typical price point for a welcome mat is usually less than $20 but it can also be offered for free with a shipping and handling charge, like a trial offer for a supplement bottle.

The point of the welcome mat is to have your opt-in prospects segment themselves into buyers and non-buyers based on their actions. So the sequence at which the welcome mat is offered in your buying funnel is vital to success.

Here’s the most important part about welcome mats.

You want to engineer your welcome mat offer to maximize the number of front-end conversions by keeping the price-point as low as possible.

Think of the welcome mat as an impulse purchase.

You want to make the value so high and the price point so low that it’s a no brainer for someone to buy.

The goal here is actually NOT to make a profit but to convert prospects, or opt-ins, into buyers.

This is a little advanced and most marketers don’t quite get this at first so let me explain a bit further.

It’s OK to break-even here or even go a little in the hole because, the real profit lies not in the first sale but in the next one.

If your margin is high, as it is for most supplement products, and you know the Life Time Value (LTV) of your customer you can easily calculate how much you can spend here to acquire not just a lead but a BUYER-Lead, that is someone who opts into your list and spends money immediately after.

But… isn’t someone who comes to my site and buys anything a buyer-lead?


The welcome mat in combination with the right irresistible lead magnet is like a one-two punch for traffic. Especially when it comes to paid traffic, although you could use this strategy for all traffic.

This strategy puts you lightyears ahead of your competition while they try to catch up to your sales.

Because… The company that can spend the most on traffic WINs.

The IMPORTANT part here is in what you can afford to spend on traffic. Because when you build and optimize the right marketing funnel the money you spend on traffic is immediately replaced by the welcome mat revenue, which means you can afford to spend more and your margins become your opportunity.

Look… You could be in the business of find and replace. While you’re out finding one customer the other one is leaving. Or… You could be in the business of increasing the value of your traffic.

The smart marketer spends $10 to make $50 and scales spend up to grow.

You see…

The most successful Internet marketers have known for years that an email list is where the gold is. The “money is in the list” as they say. The better the list the more money you can make.

But, the way to get a “better” list is not simply a matter of size.

It’s Quality…

And a list of buyers is infinitely more valuable than a list of everyone, even if it’s everyone interested in your offer.

Remember the principle that the welcome mat is based on.

Once a visitor has taken out their wallet, they’re far more likely to leave it out and continue spending money with you, then if they had not ordered in the first place.

But don’t forget, you’ve just got a visitor to segment themselves into buyers and non-buyers, or at least not-yet buyers.

The buyer list, the ones that bought your welcome mat offer are red hot, while the non-buyers list is lukewarm, and just need a little more heat, which we’ll get to in step 5, but let’s not jump ahead.

Now you can treat each segment of this list differently by not only communicating to them in totally different ways but also with totally different follow up offers to buy more.

If this still doesn’t make sense don’t worry it is a bit tricky at first. It will make more sense once you understand the Profit Maximizer in step 4.

Stay tuned next week and, we’ll go in-depth with your core offer, which is step 3 of this 5 part optimization plan.

There Are Three Funnels Every Health Supplement Business Needs To Build A Multi-Million Dollar Empire…

The problem is most dietary supplement companies only have one funnel. Through our work in the online health space, we’ve had the opportunity to observe hundreds of health businesses. What we’ve uncovered are the three critical funnels that each work together that make the difference between the average supplement company just selling on Amazon and a multi-million dollar health empire and compiled our findings in the book below. Click here to get the ebook delivered right to your email for FREE.

Three Funnels Every Health Supplement Business Needs To Build A Multi-Million Dollar Empire

By Bobby Hewitt

Bobby Hewitt is the founder of Creative Thirst. A conversion rate optimization agency for health and wellness companies with a specialized focus in dietary supplements. We’ve helped health clients profitably scale using our four framework growth model validated through A/B testing. Bobby has over 17 years of experience in web design and Internet marketing and holds a bachelors degree in Marketing from Rutgers University. He is also certified in Online Testing and Landing Page Optimization and won the Jim Novo Award of Academic Excellence for Web Analytics. As well as a public speaker and contributing author to “Google Analytics Breakthrough: From Zero to Business Impact, published by Wiley.