Increasing health and wellness sales online comes down to tapping into how people buy health products. If you understand this then you can gain an edge online.
But first you must understand how people buy health products.
After running over 400 split tests for health clients, we’ve learned many things. One of those key learnings is that people don’t buy health products the same way they buy other products online. The difference comes down to two factors, trust and belief.
In fact, all buying decisions are based on our internal beliefs.
If people believe that the chances of a natural health product will work for them, then they’re more likely to buy it.
But there’s more to trust and belief that just that…
If your prospect trusts your brand.
And if your prospect also trusts your website.
Plus the sales copy has to give your prospect hope of a solution towards their problem or condition…
Then, visitors are more likely to buy your your health and wellness product.
But does it really all come down to just… will your product work or not?
Well no, there’s actually more to it than that.
So what’s the secret to increasing health and wellness sales online?
The first secret lies within your customer.
An understanding of who your customer is, and what their desires are is key to understanding how to tap into their buying emotions and fears.
The second secret lies just outside your customer, within the market itself.
An understanding of the marketplace where your product and customers sit is vital.
The marketplace dictates what your marketing message fit needs to be. If the market is at a higher level of marketplace sophistication than your marketing message the trust gap will be too wide for your visitors to cross.
The trust gap is the distance between what your visitors have already heard and what they believe.
The third, secret to increasing your health and wellness sales online lies in your visitors’ behavior.
What insights can be learned from the actions your prospects are taking on your sales page or sales funnel?
What are your visitors doing on the page?
Where do your visitors get bored?
At what point do your visitors stop reading your sales letter?
These observations as well as other data points, that lead you to developing clear questions that can be split tested.
The key is not to focus on having the right answer. It’s about having the right framework to ask the right questions.
The framework will get you to the right answer. Which in turn will lead you to insights about how your prospects buy online and increase your health and wellness sales online.
Let’s take a peak at the framework we use to drive more revenue for our health clients without adding any additional traffic.
The Right Framework
The methodology we use for all of our natural health clients, was built around how people buy health products differently and probably won’t work as well for other industries.
It starts with the customer at the center of the marketplace and behavior.

An understanding of what offers, promises and emotions are being used by your competitors is very important.
Has your target prospect seen your claim before? Or are they so jaded by other competitor promises that their level of trust is already starting out weak? Which is often the case in the health marketing industry.
Knowing where the marketplace is will have a direct impact on how you need to craft your health marketing funnel online to compete in this crowded market.
It doesn’t stop there.
Because both trust and belief are so vital to how people buy health products it ties into our framework and how we develop a hypotheses to split test.
Most of the analysis we conduct around trust and belief is at the customer level. We perform deep dive, one on one interviews and surveys to get insights you just can’t get by looking at web analytics or heat maps. In our experience, when it comes to converting more health buyers, it’s the softer metrics that drive the hard numbers of profit.
The Secret Sauce To More Health and Wellness Sales Online
The real secret to increasing your health and wellness sales online is the last step… Continuous A/B Split testing.
It’s the iteration and learnings that drive success. Learning what works for each specific market segment. Which leads you to a deeper understanding of your customer, more revenue and profits to the bottom line and growth.
Ready to get started? Drop me a line.
Discover the 3 funnels that can help your health supplement business succeed.

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