
The Marketing Big Idea: A Framework for Success In Selling Dietary Supplements Using Direct Response Marketing Online

The success of marketing and selling nutritional health products and dietary supplements direct to consumers online, hinges on your one marketing BIG Idea.

It’s the one idea that drives all of your marketing.

It determines the marketing hook that’s used to pull in your prospects and gets them interested.

It forms the logic behind the thesis expressed in your marketing sales letter.

It connects all of the smaller ideas together by adapting to various parts of your marketing.

And it starts with a consumer or market insight.

But first, what exactly do I mean when I say “Big Idea”?

What Is a Marketing Big Idea?

First let me clarify. When I say “Big Idea” what I’m really talking about is a marketing idea.

But not the type of marketing idea like “let’s start a Facebook group”, or “let’s create a webinar funnel”, or “let’s sell this same product to a different niche”. Or an idea for a new product. Those are all good ideas, but they are not big ideas to frame your sales funnels.

It’s also not a unique selling proposition (USP). Although a good Big Idea does differentiate you from the competition.

A true marketing big idea is one that grabs your audiences attention, so they tune into your marketing message. It has to be new, unique, compelling and interesting to your market.

It takes some creativity and market research to get it right.

It’s more like a news story than a marketing slogan.

If your Big Idea takes more than 5 minutes to explain then it won’t cut through the noise.

Here are some examples of marketing big ideas:

Example #1
Secrets of the Amazonian Rainforest Reset Your Blood Pressure Permanently in 17 Days Without Medication!

This headline appears on a sales page for selling “The Blood Pressure Protocol.” The marketing Big Idea is that there is an unknown secret, that comes from nature (the Amazonian Rainforest), that can permanently reset your blood pressure. Notice- it’s not simply lower your blood pressure. That’s not a big idea. Resetting your blood pressure is more akin to a do-over forgiving you of all the bad things you’ve eaten or years of not exercising. This Amazonia secret let’s you off the hook and in 17 days without medication peaks your interest to know how it can do this?

Example #2
Inside Each Cell Of Your Body Is A Clock. Here’s How To Turn it Backwards…

This example is from a  video sales letter (VSL) by GRS Ultra, for their dietary supplement called Cell Defense. The marketing Big Idea here is that each cell is like a clock and you rewind back time. This is both interesting and it’s a metaphorical concept of a clock that you can instantly understand and thus attach your own implied benefit.

Example #3
Drinking Popular “Party Drink” Causes 11lb Weight Loss In 7 days

This example is from Buy Goods used in a video sales letter (VSL) selling a digital information product called “French Wine For A Flat Belly.” The marketing Big Idea here even sounds more like a news story than a headline. And that’s part of what makes it work so well. The Big Idea here is that there is a common drink, that is a great solution for weight-loss. Also notice how they add specificity with 11 pounds and 7 days. The benefit (lose 11 pounds in 7 days)  is built into the Big Idea here.

Example #4
Why Do You Think Astronauts, NAVY Seals And Other Essential Personnel On The Front Lines Of War And Exploration Almost Never Really Get Sick?

This comes from a long form sales page for Phytage Labs, selling a dietary supplement for fungus called: Urgent Fungus Destroyer. The marketing Big Idea is that astronauts and navy seals take some thing or do something that’s different from what the average person does or has available to them that keeps them from ever getting sick.

Not knowing what it is, makes this Big Idea intriguing. It also opens up a loop in the prospects mind by asking the unanswerable question. Keeping them on the hook to keep reading to find out why.

How To Create a Marketing Big Idea For Your Cold Traffic Funnel

Coming up with a Big Idea is more of an art than a science.

The best ideas appeal to your prospects desire and curiosity.

But how do you come up with a Big Idea?

We use the framework below to create Big Ideas for our clients and you can too.

The Creative Thirst Marketing Big Idea Framework:

If (you can, or knew, or had) ______ then you can (do, or have or get) _______ .

This one simple framework changes your prospect’s view of their world, and what’s possible for them.

So let’s look at some of the big idea examples above in the framework.

If _____ then ______

Drinking Popular “Party Drink” Causes 11lb Weight Loss In 7 days

If you knew what this drink was and just simply drank it then you could lose 11 pounds in 7 days.

Why Do You Think Astronauts, NAVY Seals And Other Essential Personnel On The Front Lines Of War And Exploration Almost Never Really Get Sick?

If you took what astronauts and navy seals do then you’d almost never get sick.

Test Your Marketing Big Idea

The key to success is not about simply having a marketing Big Idea. What’s more important is having the right Big Idea that resonates with your ideal prospects.

In fact it doesn’t even matter if you love the idea or not, what matters is the reaction to it from cold traffic.

Which is why, proving your marketing Big Idea in the marketplace, through sales, is the only way to tell if you’re idea is working.

You’ll need to study the market to understand what prospects have seen and heard before from competitors in order to cut through the clutter with your winning idea.

But most importantly, you need to test your marketing Big Idea.

What’s going to get them nodding their head?

List all of your benefits and promises and use the framework above to find the core concept that cuts through the noise.

That’s what you’ll build your marketing Big Idea on top of.

What We’ve Learned After Examining Countless Marketing Big Ideas In The Natural Health Sector 

Not only have we built sales funnels for several different health clients but, we’ve examined more long form sales pages, video sales letters (VSLs) and funnels in the health space than we can count.

The one thing all the successful funnels have in common is the Big Idea. In fact, front-end sales pages that we were brought in to fix, because of poor performance, were all missing the same thing. You guessed it, they were all missing a Big Idea.

When it comes down your success or failure in selling nutritional health products or supplements online, your Big Idea truly is the small hinge that swings big doors.

Your marketing Big Idea is the glue that binds several pieces of the marketing puzzle all together. If you don’t have one, you’re missing out on sales.

Need some help uncovering your big idea and changing the game? Drop me a line and let us know. We can help.

There Are Three Funnels Every Health Supplement Business Needs To Build A Multi-Million Dollar Empire…

The problem is most dietary supplement companies only have one funnel. Through our work in the online health space, we’ve had the opportunity to observe hundreds of health businesses. What we’ve uncovered are the three critical funnels that each work together that make the difference between the average supplement company just selling on Amazon and a multi-million dollar health empire and compiled our findings in the book below. Click here to get the ebook delivered right to your email for FREE.

Three Funnels Every Health Supplement Business Needs To Build A Multi-Million Dollar Empire

By Bobby Hewitt

Bobby Hewitt is the founder of Creative Thirst. A conversion rate optimization agency for health and wellness companies with a specialized focus in dietary supplements. We’ve helped health clients profitably scale using our four framework growth model validated through A/B testing. Bobby has over 17 years of experience in web design and Internet marketing and holds a bachelors degree in Marketing from Rutgers University. He is also certified in Online Testing and Landing Page Optimization and won the Jim Novo Award of Academic Excellence for Web Analytics. As well as a public speaker and contributing author to “Google Analytics Breakthrough: From Zero to Business Impact, published by Wiley.