
How to Make Money in the Probiotics Market

According to recent studies, the global probiotics market is expected to reach $75.9 billion by 2027. That’s an astounding growth rate that spells good news for supplement entrepreneurs looking to break into a standout market.

With so much money up for grabs, it’s no wonder that more people are looking for ways to make money in this growing industry. 

One way to do this is to launch a probiotic-rich products to an existing supplement diet to consumer business. This can be anything from selling probiotic supplements to providing probiotic-based services such as online consultations or gut health programs.

However, regardless of how you choose to enter this booming health and supplements market… 

Here’s everything you need to know.

What to Know About the Probiotics Market

There’s no doubt that probiotics are having a moment. And a big one at that. Sales of probiotic products are skyrocketing, and it’s become almost impossible to walk down the health aisle of a grocery store without seeing them on shelves. 

But what exactly are probiotics, and should you be excited to enter the market as a supplements entrepreneur?

Probiotics are live microorganisms that are similar to the beneficial microbes that live in our gut. They’re often called “good” or “friendly” bacteria because they help keep our gut healthy by keeping bad bacteria in check.

Research suggests that probiotics may offer a number of health benefits, including improved digestion, reduced risk of certain infections, and improved skin health. Probiotics may also boost the immune system and reduce inflammation.

Let’s break down some of the specifics of the probiotic market to give you an idea of the opportunities and demand.

The Size of the Probiotics Market in 2023

Not sure if entering the probiotics market is right for you as a supplements entrepreneur? Think again. The market is huge and continues to grow.

A number of experts have attempted to size the market and their estimates range from $30 billion to $50 billion. 

The wide range is due to the different definitions used and the varying data sources.  

However, what is certain is that the probiotics market is growing rapidly and is expected to continue to do so in the coming years. 

The health benefits of probiotics are becoming increasingly well-known, and this is likely to drive further growth in the market.  

Probiotics are now being used to treat a wide range of conditions, from digestive disorders to skin conditions, and this is expected to fuel further growth in the future.

The Asia-Pacific region, is projected to be the fastest-growing probiotics market during the forecast period.

Experts attribute the growth to the increasing awareness about probiotic products among people, rise in disposable income, and availability of probiotic supplements in various forms such as tablets, capsules, powders, and yogurts.  

In summary, though, the
size of the probiotics market  is currently about $56 billion. That’s expected to increase to just over $87 billion by 2026. 

Keep scrolling for expected growth numbers for 2030.

Drivers in the Probiotics Market

There are several drivers of probiotics on the market. The most important one is the health benefits that probiotics provide. Probiotics are known to help with digestive problems, immunity, and even skin conditions.  

And as more people become aware of these health benefits, they are increasingly looking to probiotics as a way to improve their overall health. 

Additionally, probiotics are becoming more popular as they are being added to food and beverage products.  

As probiotics become more mainstream, people will be exposed to them and will be likely to try them.

Finally, the probiotics market is being driven by the development of new and innovative products. Probiotic supplements and foods are now available in a variety of forms, making them more accessible and convenient for consumers. 

As the probiotics market continues to grow, we can expect to see even more innovative products hit the shelves. This is good news for supplement entrepreneurs as there will be a larger variety of products to sell.

Opportunities in the Probiotics Market

Are there still opportunities for entry into this market? You bet!

The probiotic yogurt category is expected to see the strongest growth, followed by probiotic supplements and functional foods and beverages. 

In this context, the largest markets still seem to remain the same.

The Asia-Pacific region is the largest market for probiotics, followed by Europe and North America.  

In all markets across the globe, however, the probiotics market presents a wide range of opportunities for manufacturers, retailers, and other organizations.

Probiotic supplements are particularly popular among wellness-minded consumers who are willing to pay a premium for products that offer health benefits.

In addition, the popularity of probiotic yogurts and other functional foods and beverages presents an opportunity for manufacturers to develop new products that meet consumer demand.  

Retailers also have an opportunity to capitalize on the growing probiotics market by stocking a wide range of probiotic products. 

Partnering with the right manufacturer, however, can make this easier.

Snag an opportunity to get an exclusive contract with a manufacturer of a new probiotic product, for example. Then, be the only brand on the market to sell that one product.

Demand in the Probiotics Market

We’ve gone through the numbers already, but let’s recap what the demand in the probiotics market currently is.

And what the market might look like in 2026.

Well, according to Precedence Research, the probiotics market size is predicted to reach around $133.9 billion by 2030.

They site the rising awareness of probiotic benefits as one of the main drivers of this market growth. In addition, the increasing demand for functional foods and beverages is also helping to boost probiotic sales.  

As consumers become more interested in taking care of their health, the probiotics market is expected to continue to grow.

Key Players in the Probiotic Market

We know that the market demand is driven by the rising awareness of the health benefits of probiotics, as well as the increasing demand for functional foods and beverages.

But who are the key players currently capitalizing on that demand? 

Getting to know them is key to understanding how to position yourself in the direct to consumer market.

Key direct-to-consumer players in the market include Seed, a Los Angeles-based startup that’s just closed a $40 million Series A investment round for more research into their daily synbiotic probiotic.

Foreign brands include Cell Biotech, ResBiotic, and Klaire Labs (among many others).

These companies are engaged in research and development activities to create new probiotic strains and products. 

Such initiatives are expected to drive the growth of the global probiotics market over the forecast period.

What Type of Probiotic Products do Consumers Want?

Consumers are increasingly interested in probiotic products that can help them maintain good gut health. In particular, they are looking for probiotic supplements that are backed by scientific research and that offer a variety of health benefits.  

For example, some probiotic products are designed to improve digestive health, while others may be geared towards boosting immunity or reducing inflammation.

As such, it is important for entrepreneurs like yourself to clearly communicate the specific health benefits of their probiotic products. 

When choosing a probiotic supplement, consumers also want one that is easy to take and that does not cause any side effects. In addition to health benefits, another factor that consumers take into account when choosing a probiotic product is convenience.

Probiotic products come in a variety of forms, such as capsules, powders, and liquids. Some probiotic products need to be refrigerated, while others do not.

This means that if you’re going to enter and potentially disrupt the market, it’s important to give your customers clear instructions on how to use and store your probiotic products.

Just take a look at one of your competitors, Jetson. They sell seasonal probiotics that feature a new formulation each season. They work hard to evolve as the nature of the world we live in evolves, and you’d be wise to do the same.

What Are the Differences in the Global Digestive Health and Probiotic Markets Regionally?

The global probiotics market is growing at a rapid pace, driven by the rising awareness of the health benefits of probiotics and the growing demand for functional foods. 

However, there are significant regional differences in the global probiotics market. 

The global probiotics market was valued at $43.7 billion in 2019, and it is expected to reach $69.5 billion by 2025. This means it’s growing at a CAGR of 7.5% during the forecast period 2020-2025.

CAGR, by the way, stands for Compound Annual Growth Rate. It’s basically the rate of return expected. Ultimately, it’s one of the most accurate ways to calculate your return if you invest in the probiotics market during that period.

While that’s great to know, it also pays to look at the global probiotics market compared to the growth in specific regions. Why?

While there are regulatory hurdles in each region and restrictions on what you can and cannot sell, it helps to see what growth looks like in specific parts of the world. This can either:

  • Help you understand trends
  • Help you stay competitive in your own regional market
  • Help you understand where you could potentially tap into

So what is growth like in other parts of the world?

The Asia-Pacific region is the largest market for probiotics, with a share of 34.6% back in 2019. 

North America is the second-largest market for probiotics, with a share of 28.4%. 

And finally, Europe is the third-largest market for probiotics, with a share of 22.1%. 

It might not pay to invest in this market in regions such as the Middle East & Africa or in Latin America right now as of 2023. In fact, Latin America has the smallest market for probiotics currently.

Benefits of Entering the Probiotics Market Now

According to yet another market report, this time by MarketsandMarkets, the probiotics market is expected to reach $64.5 billion by 2023. 

This represents a CAGR of 7.5%.  

What’s that mean? It means there is  a significant opportunity for companies that are looking to enter the probiotics market.

The growing popularity of probiotics is due to the many health benefits they offer, such as improved digestion, strengthened immunity, and reduced allergies.  

Additionally, the rising awareness of the importance of gut health is also driving the growth of the probiotics market. 

Thus, there are many reasons why now is an ideal time to enter the probiotics market. Companies that are able to capitalize on this trend will be well-positioned for success in the coming years.

Furthermore (and finally, then I promise we’ll move on), there are new products coming out that make probiotics “cooler,” newer, and more interesting. Take probiotic gummies for example.

The probiotic gummy market alone is currently valued at $183.9 million. 

By 2027, that value is expected to go up to a whopping $356.5 million.

How to Enter the Probiotics Market as a Supplement Entrepreneur

If you’re thinking about becoming a supplement entrepreneur, the probiotics market is a great place to start.

As you can hopefully see by now, the probiotics market is growing quickly, and there’s a lot of opportunity for entrepreneurs who are interested in this area.

Here are some tips for how to enter the probiotics market effectively.

Step 1: Analyze Your Competitors

We all know that the global probiotics market is growing. 

The numbers don’t lie. In the past five years alone, the market has grown by over 50%.

But what does that mean for your probiotic business? 

How can you make sure that you’re staying ahead of the competition and capitalizing on this market growth?

First, it’s important to keep tabs on your competitors.

  • What are they doing right?
  • What are they doing wrong?  
  • How can you learn from their successes and avoid their mistakes? 

Second, it’s important to stay up-to-date on industry news and trends.

  • What new probiotic strains are gaining popularity?  
  • What new delivery methods are consumers gravitating towards?

Finally, it’s important to invest in quality research and development.

Probiotic bacteria are constantly evolving, and it’s critical to stay ahead of the curve. By investing in R&D, or partnering with a dietary supplement manufacturer that does, you can ensure that your products are always on the cutting edge.

As research into probiotics continue this market will only continue to grow.

All in all, to make sure that your probiotic business is thriving, it’s essential to stay diligent and always be monitoring the competition.

Step 2: Meet Customer Needs and Expectations

You can’t meet the needs of your customers if you don’t first understand them. 

To enter the probiotics market and make money selling these supplements, it’s important to know what’s driving your customers.

There are a few key things you can do to ensure that you’re meeting customer expectations, and it all starts with listening to your customers.

Pay attention to what they say about your products and services.

This feedback can be invaluable in helping you understand what changes you need to make to better meet their needs.

Additionally, it pays to focus on keeping your promises as a supplements seller.  

If you tell your customers that you’ll do something, make sure you follow through. 

Whether it’s delivering an order on time or providing excellent customer service, meeting your commitments is essential to maintaining customer trust.

Finally, make sure you’re responsive. By being responsive, you’re showing them that you care about their business and are committed to solving any problems they may have.

Meeting customer needs and expectations is essential to the success of any business. 

However, it can be even more crucial when you’re dealing with supplements and other products that affect or influence your customers health.

Step 3: Get Familiar With Regulatory Hurdles

Before you start selling probiotics online, it’s important to get familiar with the regulatory hurdles you may face.  

Probiotics are considered dietary supplements, which are regulated by the FDA. This means that manufacturers of probiotics must follow certain good manufacturing practices and label their products accurately.  

In addition, the FDA regulates claims that can be made about probiotics, so be sure to review the agency’s requirements before making any claims on your website or in your marketing materials. 

By understanding the regulatory landscape, you can help ensure that your probiotic business stays compliant and avoid any potential problems down the road.

If you want to learn more about what you can and can’t say as a supplement entrepreneur read my article here about what claims you can and can’t make as a supplement seller.

Step 4: Understand How to Maintain Your Customers Long-Term

Maintaining your customers long-term when selling probiotics requires an understanding of why they use probiotics and what their health goals are.  

It is also important to be able to match the right probiotic strains to the customer. 

Some probiotic companies will try to sell you on the idea that more is better and that you need to take large doses of many different strains for best results. This isn’t always the case.  

In fact, taking too many different strains of probiotics may cause gut imbalance and digestive distress. And taking large doses of a single strain may not be necessary or effective.  

Overall, a good way of maintaining your customers for a longer period of time is by providing them with education on how to best use probiotics and troubleshoot any issues they may have.

Let them know that probiotics are a tool, but they are not a magic bullet. They require commitment and consistency from the user in order to be effective.

Finally, it is important to follow up with your customers periodically to see how they are doing and if they have any questions or concerns. 

Email marketing is a great way to keep in touch with your customers.

The best way to do that is to, set up a post-conversion funnel that allows you to check in after a set period of time. 

For example, if your customers purchase a 60-day supply, push them into a funnel where they’ll automatically get an email after 60 days prompting them to purchase more.

How to Market a New Probiotics Line to Make Money

You need to know your target market before you can even think about how to market your new probiotics line. 

Who are they? 

What do they want? 

How much money are they willing to spend?  

Once you have answers to these questions, you can start planning your marketing strategy. 

Do some research and figure out where your target market hangs out online and offline.

For example:

  • Are they more likely to be on Facebook or Instagram?  
  • Do they read health blogs?  
  • Would they be interested in attending a probiotics cooking class?

Once you know where to find them, you can start creating content that will resonate with them and get them interested in your products.

Ultimately, if you want to make money with your new probiotics line, you need to put together a solid marketing plan that will help you reach your target market and convince them to give your products a try.

Here are a few elements that will go into your marketing strategy and content plan.

Develop a Strong Brand Voice and Image

With so many other probiotic brands on the market already, you’re going to have to develop a stand-out brand image and voice if you want to be competitive.

If you want to develop a strong brand voice and image for your probiotics brand, there are a few things you can do.  

First, make sure your branding is consistent across all of your marketing materials, from your website to your social media accounts to your packaging. 

This will help create a cohesive look and feel for your brand that consumers can easily recognize.  

If you want to learn what’s working in supplement brand label design read my article about it here.

Second, focus on creating a unique and distinct brand voice that sets you apart from the competition. This can be achieved by crafting messaging that is clear, concise, and authentic.  

Finally, make sure your visual identity is strong and eye-catching. Use high-quality images and visuals that accurately reflect your brand values and appeal to your target audience.

Talk About the Benefits of Your Probiotics

Talk about the benefits of your probiotics. Listing the different health benefits that people can experience by taking your probiotics is a great way to encourage people to buy them. 

Be sure to list any scientific studies or specific ingredients that make your probiotics unique.  

You can also talk about how your probiotics are made and what goes into them. 

This will help people understand why your probiotics are worth the price. 

Finally, be sure to include information on where people can buy your probiotics.  

By providing all of this information, you’ll be able to market your new probiotics line in a way that will make people want to buy them! 

Be sure to provide unique benefits, though.

When in doubt, take a look at what your direct competitors are doing. Make sure that your content looks different and better than theirs. 

If you’re talking about the same old benefits in the exact same way, chances are that you won’t be able to stand out and earn the business of your target audience.

To look under the hood of the competition and see what’s working learn more about my funnel breakdowns.

Discuss the Importance of Gut Health

There are a few things to keep in mind when marketing probiotics. First, it’s important to discuss the importance of gut health with potential customers. Probiotics may help improve gut health, but many people are not aware of the benefits.  

Second, it’s important to choose the right probiotic strains for your products. Different strains offer different benefits, so it’s important to choose strains that meet the needs of your target market.  

Not sure of the importance yourself?

Your gastrointestinal tract is home to billions of bacteria. This community of microbes has many important functions, including helping you digest food, produce vitamins, and regulate your immune system. 

When the balance of microbes in your gut is disturbed, it can lead to digestive issues, fatigue, and even mental health problems.

That’s why it’s so important to take care of your gut health. Eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and reducing stress can all help to promote a healthy gut.

In addition, probiotics and fermented foods may help to restore the balance of good bacteria in your gut. 

By taking care of your gut, you can enjoy better overall health. See, aren’t you already more interested in probiotics than you were before?

Explain How Probiotics Help Improve Gut Health

Probiotics are live microorganisms that are similar to the good bacteria that already live in your gut. When you take them as supplements, they can help improve gut health by restoring the balance of good and bad bacteria.  

You know this, but does your target audience? 

It’s your job to inform them of the benefits of your product. For example, taking probiotics can also help with other conditions like:

  • Diarrhea
  • Eczema
  • Urinary tract infections

If you’re thinking about marketing a new probiotics line, it’s important to understand what probiotics are and how they can benefit gut health. You can then pass on this information to your customers.

Be sure to highlight the benefits of your particular probiotic products, and be sure to use keyword-rich content so that potential customers can easily find your products when they’re searching online.

Share Excellent Case Studies or Testimonials

Share excellent case studies or testimonials of people who have used your probiotics and seen results. Be sure to post these on your website and social media platforms. 

If you have any research or clinical studies backing up the efficacy of your probiotics, be sure to share those as well. 

People are always looking for ways to improve their health, so if you can show them that your product is backed by science, they’ll be more likely to trust your supplement marketing.  

You can also host webinars or podcasts featuring experts in gut health who can talk about the importance of probiotics and how your products can help. 

Finally, you can also offer discounts or free shipping on your probiotics to encourage people to try them out in exchange for reviews.

Create Engaging, Relevant Content

Perhaps one of the most important aspects of  marketing a new probiotics line is creating engaging content that is relevant to your target audience.

This can include blog posts, infographics, or even short video clips.  

In addition to content creation, it is also important to build relationships with influencers in the health and wellness space.  

These influencers can help to promote your products to their followers, which can significantly increase your reach.  

Finally, consider running ads on popular health and wellness websites. This will ensure that your target audience sees your probiotics line and has the opportunity to purchase it.

By following these steps, you can effectively market your new probiotics line and make money.

What Are the Best Probiotics on the Market to Sell?

After first understanding the trends and demand in the probiotics market along with how to effectively market your probiotics brand, it’s important to think about the best probiotics on the market. 

After all, you want to make sure you’re selling a high-quality product.

When choosing a probiotic supplement to sell, look for one that contains multiple strains of bacteria and that has been shown to be effective in clinical trials.  

Then, consider what your target customer will want to use the probiotics for. Different strains of probiotics are best suited for different purposes, so it’s important to choose one that will meet their needs. In this context, it helps to choose something very niche.

You’ll be more successful selling probiotics that target one issue than you will be trying to sell a brand that helps with “general ailments.” Why? Choosing a probiotic to sell that helps with eczema, for example, allows you to create a more optimized website. This makes it easier to stand out in a crowded market.

Build an Optimized Probiotic Marketing Funnel

Ready to enter the probiotics market? I’ve got something that will help ensure you’re successful.

Through our work in the online health space, I’ve had the opportunity to observe hundreds of health businesses. Yep, this includes businesses in the probiotics market as well.

In doing so, I’ve uncovered the three critical funnels that make the difference between an average supplement company just selling on Amazon and a multi-million dollar health empire. I’ve compiled my findings in a short ebook that you can easily digest.

Ready to kickstart your journey as a supplements entrepreneur and learn how to effectively enter the booming probiotics market? Download your free ebook today.

Discover the 3 funnels that can help your health supplement business succeed.

Health Supplement Business Mastery Podcast

Listen to the Health Supplement Business Mastery Podcast for for dietary supplement entrepreneurs and marketers.

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By Bobby Hewitt

Bobby Hewitt is the founder of Creative Thirst. A conversion rate optimization agency for health and wellness companies with a specialized focus in dietary supplements. We’ve helped health clients profitably scale using our four framework growth model validated through A/B testing. Bobby has over 17 years of experience in web design and Internet marketing and holds a bachelors degree in Marketing from Rutgers University. He is also certified in Online Testing and Landing Page Optimization and won the Jim Novo Award of Academic Excellence for Web Analytics. As well as a public speaker and contributing author to “Google Analytics Breakthrough: From Zero to Business Impact, published by Wiley.