It seems like everyone is learning to master website traffic.
I’m constantly seeing ads for Master Classes on Traffic for Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and a host of other sites. All with the goal to get more eyeballs to your site.
Everyone is focused on it, but NO ONE is talking about the Pink Elephant in the room.
(Well, maybe just the struggling businesses are not talking about it.)
The smart marketing pros talk about that Pink Elephant all the time.
And they talk about traffic too.
It’s just that, they put a lot more effort and emphasis on the Pink Elephant than the traffic.
What’s the Pink Elephant, you ask?
It’s what makes paid traffic work for some businesses,
While it completely crashes and burns others.
It’s… The Offer
The Offer that your selling is more important than anything else.
No amount of traffic is going to fix a weak offer.
If you scale traffic to a weak offer, you’re just going to amplify poor results.
However, if your offer is stronger than your traffic, then the right traffic,\ will only add to your success.
Taking your offer from meh to GREAT can make or break your business, especially when it comes to a cold traffic sales funnel.
Yet sadly, the Offer gets very little thought at all
Crafting an irresistible offer is usually the most challenging part for many businesses that I talk to.
Mostly because marketers are not used to thinking about the Offer at all. They are all worried about traffic or copy, thinking these will solve all of their problems.
The short cut solution in the health marketing industry is to outright, blatantly copy other offers.
But how do you know if you’re copying a winning offer or a losing one?
There’s not just one factor of success.
A multitude of factors go into making a sales funnel work
Seasoned direct response pros will say it’s the copy that makes a funnel work. Others will tell you it’s the list. Some will say, it’s all three, the copy, the list and the offer combined.
Well, they’re all kind of right and wrong at the same time.
People think of these three elements (copy, list, and the offer) as separate things.
And they are separate, but they are also connected.
All three are pieces of the same puzzle.
Yet each one is weighted differently depending on the market’s desire and the level of market sophistication.
Here’s one way to look at them as intertwined together…
Copywriting is the expression of ideas. But, the offer can determine the success of the copy.
You see, even weak copy can work with an irresistible offer.
And great copy can make a crappy offer WORK, at least with warm traffic.
Typically that same crappy offer, won’t work with cold traffic.
Crafting an offer specifically for a cold traffic funnel is an entirely different beast.
So the copy, list (i.e. the traffic) and offer are connected.
Yet they are also separate…
You can a/b test an offer as a single variable with different traffic (lists) or even different segments or channels of your traffic.
You can a/b test just the copy alone and keep the offer the same.
Or you can a/b test just the offer with the same list and the same copy.
But what makes an offer really work?
Or looked at another way…
What Makes an Offer Explode on Facebook?
Well… a true offer that works, does not just work on Facebook, it works everywhere.
A large part of what makes an offer POP is not your product or your price but the marketplace. (This is the part that’s intertwined.)
An offer explodes when there’s a hungry market for it.
Which starts with the question, what does the market want?
The problem is most businesses answer that question by explaining what their product does. First, they have to understand what the market WANTS and then make them an offer they can’t refuse.
How Do You Find Out What The Market Wants?
The key to it all working is, The Marketplace.
To tap into what they want, requires a deep understanding of the competitive ecosystem of your product category, along with knowing the market’s desires, hopes, beliefs and trust level for your product and company.
Desire must already exist, we as marketers can not create it, we can only tap into it and amplify it.
The pull towards hope acts as a propelling force to the new future state.
The foundation of belief is the bedrock that your offer is built on top of, without which it will crumble and fall.
The anxiety of trust can scare away even the most desiring and hopeful of prospects. If your product level trust or your company level trust looks the slight bit suspicious your prospect can be spooked and driven away from the sale.
Digging Deeper
Knowing your customers on a demographic level is not enough.
No amount of surveying and market analysis is going to get to the depths of hopes, desires, belief and trust.
For that you need to dig deeper into the mind of the marketplace, one customer at at time.
The way we do that is though proprietary one-on-one interviews with prospects before we even think about the offer.
Discover the 3 funnels that can help your health supplement business succeed.

Listen to the Health Supplement Business Mastery Podcast for for dietary supplement entrepreneurs and marketers.
Please send me a copy of There Are Three Funnels Every Health Supplement Business Needs To Build A Multi-Million Dollar Empire ebook to my email.
I really hope to get the ebook before i start producing my health supplements.
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