To sell natural health products online like Disney doesn’t take magic. It takes hard work and deep thinking.
The hard work comes in understanding your customers better than they understand themselves. I don’t mean just their demographics. I mean really knowing their fears and desires.
The deep thinking comes in through decoding your customer’s values and beliefs . Going deep allows you to discover the strategy to help more people buy your natural health products.
But wait… Disney doesn’t sell health products!
There’s no happy pill, despite their resorts being the happiest place on earth.
So, what do they have in common with how people buy health products?
There are two things.
Creating Trust
To sell natural health products online requires your visitors to trust your product, and your company.
Disney is excellent at creating trust.
It’s not just trust in their brand. That’s the easy way to look at trust.
They build trust into the experience from the beginning to the end.
You don’t need 100% complete Disney level trust. That comes later. That level of trust can only come after the sale, and continues to build with each future interaction.
But, if trust is strained along the process of buying, your prospects won’t have enough momentum to continue forward and buy.
There are Different Types of Trust
Trust can be built gradually or fast. In fact to get a sale online for a health product all you need is enough trust to get the flywheel moving to the next step.
The two types of trust are gradual trust and accelerated trust.
Accelerated Trust comes first.
This level of trust is built quickly and is only just enough trust to move a visitor to the next step and ultimately towards a purchase.
Gradual Trust comes second and over time.
This level of trust can only be built after accelerated trust has begun. Gradual trust is long-term and built slowly over time after purchase.
Creating Belief
Disney is really good at tapping into our beliefs.
And it’s not just the way they craft their storytelling.
It’s the way they understand their audiences values and self-story.
To sell natural health products online requires your visitors to believe in their own self-story.
Their self-stories tie into who they are, and why they should buy a health solution at all.
Their values come into play when tapping into their desires. These ideals need to be expressed precisely right in order to sell natural health products online. Which is why stressing about the details is important for both Disney and health companies.
The Belief Gap
The gap between what your prospects believe and what they need to believe in order to buy is critical for a health product.
If that belief is not addressed in the sales journey, typically on the sales page, then the sale is lost.
Lessons Learned From Creating A/B Tests Around Trust & Belief
After running and analyzing over 350 split test in the health and wellness niche, we learned a few things you can use.
The most important lesson is to build a hypothesis around trust and belief.
First, list out your prospect’s beliefs around health and their values.
Next, review your sales page messaging and look for gaps and opportunities to connect belief into your messaging.
Then form your hypothesis to test.
Support key areas of your sales page copy with the beliefs you uncovered from understanding your prospects.
In another A/B test treatment you can tap into the prospects values. Again building a hypothesis around that and adding in their values to the sales story. Bonus points for getting your prospect’s values aligned with your company mission.
You could also test different traffic sources that are aligned with belief. Just simply split the traffic based on belief through a pre-qualifier question via a quiz or pre-bridge page. Or send traffic from a single source that is aligned with the beliefs of that traffic source and the sales page. For example, If you’re sending traffic from a right wing conservative website then align the beliefs of that tribe with your sales copy.
Don’t Leave Out The Research
The critical step to understand both the trust and belief of your market requires some deep research. Uncovering the limiting beliefs of your audience and developing strategies that tie into your product to really address the belief, is the goal here.
You can conduct this research through surveys and interviews. One-on-one interviews play a bigger part here to really dive deep to understand your prospects and the market.
Need some help with this type of research? Reach out and drop me a line.
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