All of our dietary supplement clients want to scale to the next level.
Some are already on the way and with our help are moving faster. Others are just getting started.
Each situation requires a different framework of thinking to get to where they want to be.
But in either case, we always apply a diagnostics to evaluate the situation.
One the first things we want to understand is your product.
- Who are you targeting? (gut health, weight loss, etc.)
- What makes it unique? And how does it work? (ideally there’s an interesting unique mechanism)
- What’s the single bottle price point. (1 bottle needs to be at or around $59)
- Do you have a backend? (What other products do you sell?)
- What’s the Customer Life Time Value? (looking for $150 – $200)
- Are you willing to lose money in the short term to make more in the long term?
That’s a big one.
Scaling requires investing in the future.
The ugly truth that Internet Marketing Gurus will never tell you is that many funnels take longer than one day to breakeven.
If you’re not willing to lose money and wait 30, 60 or 90 days to breakeven on your ad spend, you may not be ready to scale.
Next we take a look at assets we might be able to leverage.
Sometimes to get to where you want to go, you need more than what you’ve got.
What assets already exist? (We want to know what we have to work with.)
7. How much traffic do you get a month? (Is that organic traffic or paid traffic?)
8. Do you have an email list? (When’s the last time an email went out? How engaged are they?)
9. Do you have an email follow up sequence?
10. What does your email strategy look like? (are you segmenting the list at all?)
11. Is there an Instagram following? A Facebook group?
We’re boiling things down to understand the size of the existing owned reach.
What assets we can leverage to get some sales moving or improve on existing campaigns right away to start generating cashflow.
Often times a smaller project can generate revenue to afford a longer engagement with us.
This glimpse into our diagnostics process is only the beginning.
Each situation is different. Some smaller supplement companies just starting out have more assets we can leverage. Others don’t have much more than a single product.
In either case you’re never too small to scale. But you might need help laying the ground work to get there.
Discover the 3 funnels that can help your health supplement business succeed.

Listen to the Health Supplement Business Mastery Podcast for for dietary supplement entrepreneurs and marketers.