
What 1 Question Will Measure the Effectiveness of All Your Marketing?

When it comes to direct response marketing it’s easy to get overwhelmed trying to keep up with all the latest supplement marketing strategies. 

There always seems to be another new hot shot supplement copywriter, or hit video sales letter or funnel to model. 

Yet they all seem to come and go.

One big marketing merry-go round.

First it was a Doctor Trusted widget that was going to drastically increase your conversion rate. 

Now it’s UseProof. 

And I’m sure something else will be next.

Email was king forever. Then it was dead and suddenly Facebook Messenger became the new thing. No wait! Email was never dead to begin with.

Influencer marketing is becoming hot again, but even that will cool off as the next big thing comes back around.

There is no end to the latest and greatest tactic or new marketing tool out there.

Or is there?

With every latest and greatest new thing, there’s a constant overwhelming feeling to keep up. 

But what if trying to keep up was the wrong path to success?

People don’t change. And their buying psychology doesn’t change.

The principles of direct response marketing work today just as well as they worked 100 years ago and they will continue to work just as well 100 years from now.

But what if it was even simpler than just sticking to direct marketing principals? 

What if the effectiveness of all your marketing could be measured with the answer to one simple question?

If your brand went away tomorrow, who would truly miss you?

This is the measure of all marketing effectiveness. If no one cares that you’re gone then your brand needs some work.

That includes everything from your product all the way to your marketing messaging, Video Sales Letters, long form sales copy, upsell path, first time customer on boarding experience, backend, etc. etc.

There are way too many churn and burn supplement companies in this industry.

If no one cared that your brand imploded then you’re compleatly replaceable with the next white label supplement bottle. 

Solve for that, and all other measurements are secondary.

Not all metrics are unimportant. Average Order Value and Cost per Acquisition are what allows you to continue to serve your market. But they are secondary to that one essential question.

To the average direct response marketer it sounds all too fluffy.

Their business is driven by numbers…

So how can you apply that question, when you can’t quantify it? 

Here are two ways…

First, focus on your community to create your BEST customers

Sourcing and selling dietary supplements online is super easy. 

Any competitor can virtually knock you off tomorrow. 

Customers are demanding more transparency. It’s all out in the open today.

They want to know what’s in the bottle, no longer settling for proprietary blends.

So how do the good direct response supplement marketers overcome this?

The answer is simple, but difficult. 

Build something that can’t be white labeled. 

Not just a unique product but a genuine connection with your community and customers.

Community is what makes us human. We’re all stronger together than separately.

But as an individual company you can only do so much.

The high level secret is for your brand to act as the facilitator of customer to customer interactions.

Here are just a few ways any brand can facilitate this:

  • Host an event to bring your customers together.
  • Rally around a common enemy to stand against together. This gives you a purpose beyond profit.
  • Sell or give away super high quality branded merchandise to only your most loyal customers.
  • Indoctrinate your tribe with content your audience can agree with.
  • Talk to your customers about their concerns and beliefs as much and as often as possible. 

The strength of the entire group comes from the connection between each person. 

The tools to accomplish and facilitate customer to customer interactions today are plentiful. 

You can get started as simply as creating a Facebook Group. 

There’s no excuse not to. 

Nowadays, you have the ability, and the privilege, to speak directly to your audience, so take advantage of it.

Second, build a deeper level of trust 

So many supplement marketers focus on scaling cold traffic funnels to gain massive amounts of customers, only to churn and burn them.

This creates a massive chasm of mistrust. Without trust you can’t build loyalty, community or a purpose.

Building a deeper level of trust in part comes from connecting with your customers. Helping them solve their health problems holistically. Not just physically but also emotionally and socially.

It’s not about just finding new people for your product, that is adding new buyers. 

But also finding new products for your existing customers. 

To start, first determine who your target audience is. Develop buyer personas based on that audience, then market specifically to them. Solve their problems and answer their questions. 

Over time, you’ll build their trust, and eventually solve enough of their problems to make a bigger impact on their lives.

Most people think this is daunting, but it’s not.

You don’t need to be everywhere to develop a successful community and brand. You only need to be where your core audience is. 

It’s not up to you where you build your community. It’s up to your audience.

When you look at it that way, it’s really quite simple.

The best way to build a brand is to focus on building an authentic, deep connection with your core audience. 

Add value to their lives in every way you can, and over time, you’ll not only build trust but also a meaningful business that impacts the world.

If you can accomplish that, and your brand went away tomorrow, your core believers will truly miss you.

Discover the 3 funnels that can help your health supplement business succeed.

Health Supplement Business Mastery Podcast

Listen to the Health Supplement Business Mastery Podcast for for dietary supplement entrepreneurs and marketers.

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By Bobby Hewitt

Bobby Hewitt is the founder of Creative Thirst. A conversion rate optimization agency for health and wellness companies with a specialized focus in dietary supplements. We’ve helped health clients profitably scale using our four framework growth model validated through A/B testing. Bobby has over 17 years of experience in web design and Internet marketing and holds a bachelors degree in Marketing from Rutgers University. He is also certified in Online Testing and Landing Page Optimization and won the Jim Novo Award of Academic Excellence for Web Analytics. As well as a public speaker and contributing author to “Google Analytics Breakthrough: From Zero to Business Impact, published by Wiley.