
The Reason WHY Sales Copy For Up-sells

Writing sales copy for up-sells is different than a sales letter.

There are similarities, especially if you’re introducing a brand new product, with a totally different value proposition. Then most of the long form direct response principles are in full swing.

But there are two very distinct “WHYs” you need to answer in all up-sell copy that makes it a bit different of an animal.

First, very briefly, by up-sell I mean an immediate offer after the front-end purchase… after they entered their credit card, billing /shipping info etc. Not in the cart as an add-on offer but a true up-sell instead of a transaction confirmation page.

So what are the two why’s?

The first is…

Why This Offer?

The customer needs a reason why you are presenting them with this new offer. 

Remember, from their perspective they just bought. So to get them to buy again immediately as in the case of an up-sell it needs to make sense.

If they feel you are just taking advantage of them, they will run for the hills.

On top of that, most dietary supplement buyers are not used to up-sells immediately after their purchase. They are more custom to the typical shopping cart checkout where the selling ends after they but in their credit card info.

So the first question you need to answer is… Why are you presenting them with this offer?

But it can also double and answer the question… Why this price?

Typically the first up-sell for a supplement funnel is selling on value.

This means you’re offering some discount on the same product your buyer just bought.

But in the mind of the buyer, there needs to be a justification for this discounted price.

So if you can answer both “whys” in one simple explanation, then you get straight onto the offer and cut right to the chase.

Here are a number of reasons why that make both logical sense (why this offer and why this price) and are quick, so that you can get right into the offer on your up-sell.

Why This Offer Reason #1: The you now qualify reason why

  • Because you ordered today we want to make you a ONE-TIME very special offer.
  • Because you Purchased You Qualify for a Special Offer Today Only.

Why This Offer Reason #2: The you’re a smart person reason why

  • You’ve made a smart decision by investing in yourself. We know that you care deeply about your health so we want to share one of the most necessary, but commonly overlooked vitamins.

Why This Offer Reason #3: The thank you reason why

  • Thank you for investing in you. Now let us return the favor.

The next why you’ll need to answer is…

Why This Next Product?

Remember they just bought from you. That’s the front-end of your funnel.

So the next product you try to sell them on an up-sell needs to make sense in relation to the one they just bought. 

It has to be congruent with the buying decision they just made. 

This “why” can also be looked at as…

Why does the prospect need this product after they just bought or were presented with the previous offer?

Here are some examples… 

Why This Product Reason #1: We might run out of stock

  • Because we can only manufacture our supplement using a rare ingredient it often takes several months to get back in stock. To avoid going without this critical supplement order more now.

Why This Product Reason #2: This will help you get to your goal faster

  • My number one recommendation for solving (problem) is (new solution) because when you combine (new solution) with (previous solution) you get twice the impact.
  • While (previous solution) works to (benefit, benefit, benefit). Most people can speed up the relief from (main problem) with (new solution), which you can get today at a special customer appreciation discount.

    If you just sold a capsule supplement and are upsetting a cream, of vise versa, then you can use something like this…
  • While (capsule supplement) goes to work on the inside (cream supplement) can go to work on the outside. 

Why This Product Reason #3: People with problem x typically also suffer from y

  • Most people who suffer from (main problem) also suffer from (secondary problem). You may be one of them, which is why we recommend (new product).

Can you begin to see how up-sell sales copy is a bit different than the typical sales letter copy?

The “WHYs” you need to answer in up-sell copy, is more specific and congruent with their previous purchase.

Answering these simple but necessary why’s early in up-sell copy sets the frame for the sale.

And if done right you could easily increase your average order value (AOV) which could be a game changer for any funnel.

Discover the 3 funnels that can help your health supplement business succeed.

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By Bobby Hewitt

Bobby Hewitt is the founder of Creative Thirst. A conversion rate optimization agency for health and wellness companies with a specialized focus in dietary supplements. We’ve helped health clients profitably scale using our four framework growth model validated through A/B testing. Bobby has over 17 years of experience in web design and Internet marketing and holds a bachelors degree in Marketing from Rutgers University. He is also certified in Online Testing and Landing Page Optimization and won the Jim Novo Award of Academic Excellence for Web Analytics. As well as a public speaker and contributing author to “Google Analytics Breakthrough: From Zero to Business Impact, published by Wiley.