This is what persuasion looks like
It’s called a Sparkline and it was uncovered by rigorously researching histories greatest influencers and speeches, including that “I have a dream” speech, as well as others from President Kennedy to Steve Jobs.
It all starts with an idea. That idea can be a product a movement, a business, an initiative you name it. But first that idea needs to be adopted. Your idea is going no where without people believing in it, without the influence of persuasion to carry your idea into the minds of people and stick there.
It turns out the sparkline, developed by Duarte Design is a universal visual representation of persuasion. After studying countless speeches throughout history, a pattern was discovered that kept repeating itself in all the influential speeches. This consistent pattern is a framework for how to persuade as outlined in Nancy Duarte’s book Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences
Jobs Sparkline Resonate Workshop from Duarte.
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Awesome share !
Wondering if you’ve personally used this process to create a VSL to improve conversions ?
Hi Yassin, Thanks for the comment. Yes I have 😉