
What It Takes To Do Ground Breaking Conversion Optimization

It’s very tempting to jump right into optimization testing, there’s usually no shortage of ideas to test because everyone has an opinion. But, if you’re starting the conversion rate optimization (CRO) process by looking at your webpage and thinking what’s the problem with this page, you’re doing CRO wrong.

Unfortunately That’s The Way Everyone Starts

It’s easy to look at a webpage and have an opinion. Everyone does…
Ask just about anyone off the street and they’ll tell you what they think, every one has an opinion. The problem is that’s the wrong way to move the needle and impact your revenue.

I think about conversion optimization, fundamentally different than the webpage. The page is only a catalyst for the visitor to complete their desired action. CRO is not about optimizing the webpage. What you’re really doing is optimizing the thoughts of your visitor.

Approaching conversion optimization from the thought sequence of your visitor fundamentally shifts the way you think about and approach optimization. You see, a web page is more like a conversation between your product / company and your prospect. That conversation is taking place inside your visitors head throughout your webpage and throughout their experience with your site.

Going from the act of nothing to something

With each element on the page (words, pictures video, etc.) they are getting deeper into the conversation of does this match my motivations? What can I do here? With every click and scroll, they are expressing interest and nodding their heads, going further into the conversation between them and your page.

The very act of conversion is the result of a culmination of agreements in their head to the point of behavioral change. Quite simply, conversion doesn’t happen on the page it happens in the mind of your visitor.

So Then Where Do You Start Optimization?

Yes, all optimization starts in the mind.

But where does the act of improvement or the ideas to test actually start from?

Well… They don’t or shouldn’t start from looking at the webpage as you might have guessed. They should start with the prospect avatar.

Your prospect avatar or persona is a clear vision of the exact person you’re talking to. that’s right I said person not market or people or visitors. Like every good copywriter knows, conversion optimization works best when you’re talking to one specific person. Yes that person may represent a group of people but if you don’t have that person fully fleshed out you’ll lose the impact of talking to that one.

Demographics Are The Easy Part

Many people like to go right into creating that avatar / persona but I prefer to start with research. Not the broad research like what age is your avatar, how much money do they make, are they married, do they have kids, what car do they drive and how do they spend their time on the weekends?

This is all broad data, and it has it’s place some times but the real value is in the details. Not the details of the broad data above, although that might be interesting , it’s not all that actionable.

The nitty-gritty details I’m talking about are underneath al that.

The Devil Is In The Details

The really valuable starting point is in the beliefs of your avatar.

What are their desires, concerns, aspirations, worries, fears, doubt’s not only about your product but about them selves. What is their self-story?

If conversion does truly happen in the mind, as all decisions do, and not on the webpage, then the place to start is right within the mind itself.

A Look Inside Your Avatars Mind

People probably start with the demographics because it’s easy.

What’s harder is understanding what makes your avatar tick.

To do that you have to dig. The really great copywriters like Gene Schwartz, Gary Halbert and others have know this for years which is why they spend so much time researching. As much as half the time if not more of a project should be spent on digging deep into the research to fully understand the beliefs of your avatar.

This sounds scary and like hard work and some of it might be, but this is where true optimization really starts.

To start the research into your avatars beliefs is really quite simple. Go where people are speaking candidly about the same problem.

Start on Amazon, by reading reviews of similar products that you’re selling or of similar solutions to the same problem you’re trying to solve.

Next go to Twitter and see what people are saying about that problem.

Survey your buyers and non-buyers and ask them questions. Preferably open ended questions where they have to type in their answers, that’s where you get the true gold. Not in multiple choice questions. Open ended questions allow people to express their true concerns.
And finally pick up the phone and talk to people. Talk to the people who answer your open ended survey questions to get further clarification and understanding on their beliefs and desires.

For each of these methods, notice what specific words they use that really speak to their fears, problems and hopes. Compile all of your findings and thoughts into a document and start writing your avatars self-story.

This is the hard work. This requires empathy. This is not as easy as looking at a webpage and guessing at what to fix. But once you do this you’ll be able to look at that webpage from a totally different perspective.

But Can’t You Still See Blaring Mistakes By Looking At A Webpage?

Yes, it is possible to see blaring conversion mistakes just by looking at a web page. And looking at a webpage from the perspective of User Experience and Conversion certainly has it’s merits. If only for the obvious quick fixes.

But the thinking that goes around that UX and CRO perspective comes from the posture of, conversion happening in the mind of your customer, not on the page itself.

If you think of page optimization in this way then two of the things you can look for is continuity and congruence.

What Is Continuity And Congruence?

Continuity is like a thread line that runs through the webpage.

Are all of the elements on your webpage supporting and connecting each other?

Does the thought sequence in the avatar’s head match that thread?

Congruence is like a thread line that runs through each step.
Does each step of your funnel, from ad copy or banner copy and images carry through to the sales page and the order page and the thank you page and even the experience of receiving and using the product after the sale?

Together continuity and congruence, both work hand in hand and support the thought sequence of the visitor to help them buy.

Optimization Is Hard Work

Optimization that gets businesses to the next level requires going beyond a look at the webpage with a hand full of recommendations. Anyone can give you some ideas to try. And ever conversion rate optimization specialist will be willing to do this for you for free. And that’s why it’s free, because it’s easy, it’s just an opinion and everyone has one.

The truly BIG ideas require starting from a different point of view. Starting with the person you are trying to help in mind and truly going deep into understanding what makes them tick, why they buy and why they should buy from you above anyone else and even above not buying at all.

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By Bobby Hewitt

Bobby Hewitt is the founder of Creative Thirst. A conversion rate optimization agency for health and wellness companies with a specialized focus in dietary supplements. We’ve helped health clients profitably scale using our four framework growth model validated through A/B testing. Bobby has over 17 years of experience in web design and Internet marketing and holds a bachelors degree in Marketing from Rutgers University. He is also certified in Online Testing and Landing Page Optimization and won the Jim Novo Award of Academic Excellence for Web Analytics. As well as a public speaker and contributing author to “Google Analytics Breakthrough: From Zero to Business Impact, published by Wiley.