Conversion rate killers are sometimes unspoken assumptions or unwritten rules within the culture of an organization that keep our website conversion rates in their place. Ways of thinking or soft whispers spoken after meetings or if you’re not so luck spoken loudly during meetings.
Conversion rate killers are those little things that kills the testing of new conversion ideas and ultimately keep your conversion rates in the low percentages. Are there any conversion rate killers in your organization?
You may hear them in the design, marketing or IT department and are usually spoken as reasons for not doing something and keeping with the status quo.
The top 3 conversion rate killers sound like this:
- I know what’s best.
You usually hear this when someone thinks they know your visitors better than your own customers or prospects do. Their word is usually taken as gold and what they are really saying is “just do it my way”.The truth is no one knows your prospects and customers that well it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in business or how well you think you know your web visitor, testing is the ONLY way to truly know what work and more importantly what does not. Even when a test fails you should learn something that helps you better understand what moves your conversion rate needle.
- I’m afraid of being wrong.
This is a big conversion killer because it doesn’t let you put anything to the test. It kills your conversion hypothesis before it can get even the tiniest of life. It’s an underlying subtext of “I know what’s best”.This is perhaps the most powerful of all the conversion killers because if you some how manage to change the status quo and improve the conversion rate, someones neck is on the line because the previous design was not what works better.
- They are not on board with this.
Ah the legendary “they” who are “they” in your organization? They could be the board of directors, upper management or just about anyone. But one thing is for sure “they” keep change from happening and keep your conversion rates in their place, never allowing them to soar to new heights and add more to the bottom line.
Now that you know what conversion killers sound like, listen for them within your organization, I’m sure they will rear their ugly heads from time to time. The diligent conversion rate marketer needs to know what these killers sound like and when they hear them they need to fight against them to truly make improvement and change that has an impact on bottom line revenue, because it’s very difficult to have a meaningful life without meaningful work.
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