A marketing funnel that restricts the customer’s journey to a specific linear path is the key to making direct response work online.
Compressing the stages of attention, interest, desire and action into a single session is what successful dietary supplement companies use direct response funnels online do. And they have been doing for years. For a very good reason, they work.
If you’re anything like our direct response dietary supplement clients, this type of funnel is nothing new to you.
But the following marketing funnel guide will be valuable to you no matter what level you are. No matter if you have a funnel that’s working with cold traffic bringing in 1,000 customers a day or if you’re still dialing in your funnel with 1 sale a day.
Why Isn’t Your Supplement Sales Funnel Working?
Heck even the most experienced marketer has trouble getting a funnel to work.
Every marketer has faced this situation at least once.
They launch a marketing funnel and it’s not working.
Don’t feel bad, we’ve all been there. It’s not uncommon at all.
The good news is, there are only 4 reasons why a funnel is not working once you’ve diagnosed the problem.
The bad news is it’s not an easy fix.
The article: Why Isn’t Your Supplement Funnel Working?
Gets right down to the top four reasons: The Copy, The Offer, The Audience and The Market. Click here to read the full article and diagnose your marketing funnel.
Up-sell Funnel Strategy
Up-sell strategy is the insiders secret that maximizes your average ticket or average order value (AOV).
Once you get your marketing funnel working you’ll want to spend some time optimizing your up-sells.
Because if you can increase this then you can afford to spend more on a prospect than your competition, and that’s now you win the direct response funnel game.
The article: Up-sell Funnel Strategy that talks about how to frame and set up your up-sell sales page to maximize average ticket. Or click here to read a companion article and get the inside track on up-sells.
Part of getting your up-sells working is providing two critical reasons why in your sales copy.
Sales copy for up-sells is different than the typical long form sales letter copy.
One difference are the two reasons why.
Which answers the question: Why this offer? and Why this next product.
Both of the answers to these why’s frame the sale. are in the article: The Reason Why Sales Copy For Up-sells
Scaling a Dietary Supplement Cold Traffic Funnel
Once your front end offer and up-sells are dialed in, you’ll want to start scaling the offer to get more customers into your business.
There is a systematic approach to scale because what works on a smaller level does not always work on a larger one. Rarely will any funnel work right out of the gate.
Every funnel needs tweaking to get to the level where it’s working with cold traffic.
The article: Scaling a Dietary Supplement Cold Traffic Funnel is a great primer on what you need to know to scale a funnel online.
This just scratches the surface but I hope this marketing funnel guide has been helpful.
Discover the 3 funnels that can help your health supplement business succeed.

Listen to the Health Supplement Business Mastery Podcast for for dietary supplement entrepreneurs and marketers.