There’s a lot more to successful conversion rate optimization and improving conversion rates than just simply testing and seeing what works and what doesn’t. Seth Godin’s blog post on A Culture of Testing in which Seth uses Netflix as an example, is a great testament to this.
Netflix has a culture of testing that all companies should admire. It’s in their company DNA and they are often praised for this in many marketing books. Which in of itself makes them admirable. Netflix tests everything. They A/B test every interaction, all their offerings, their pricing, everything. But just simply testing in and of itself is not enough for success. Many of us are not in a luxury position like Netflix to be able to afford to test everything.
Testing EVERYTHING is a great ideal to strive for but in reality testing everything is difficult for most of us to pull off. The truth of the matter is simply we just may not have the time given the twenty billion other tasks we have on our plate.
We are not Netflix.
Any testing is better than nothing. But first we need to understand what to test in order to have the most impact. A common mistake of first time conversion rate marketers is that they jump into testing without evaluating what the biggest impact would be.